Yes, accept their apologies, and punish them for their crimes. Justice must be served.

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She sustained damage… at least her children did. If that’s not enough to wake someone up, I don’t know what is.

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Hilarious Not Hilarious https://youtu.be/uoMfIkz7v6s

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The truth is out loud on joe rogan right now

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Dr. Wen deserves respect for publicly admitting her mistake.

Few public figures have that courage.

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We need to push for more of these revelations as I am sure Wen is not the only privileged person to see the harm created. The fact that millions have been trying to speak out and demand real science as well as the freedom to control our own body seems to have escaped Wen, the media and even this article. The medical industry has been under pressure to subsume itself to Big Pharma and the Insurance industries for decades now. This Covid episode was used to blatantly threaten the licenses of practitioners ala Fauci pressuring State Licensing boards to recind the license of anyone who questioned the orthodoxy. One doctor was mandated to undergo psychiatric evaluation while they removed her license. Shades Russia under Stalin!! How insane that the media would not even allow the idea that science is never settled and requires ongoing questioning to try and arrive at understandings! This is totalitarianism in the raw!

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